Define your portfolio requirements
to the financial reporting, accounting and the audit review pursuant to the Law of Ukraine "On Accounting and Financial Reporting in Ukraine" (No 996-XIV)


Define your portfolio requirements to the financial reporting, accounting and the audit review
Choose the size of your enterprise
Pursuant to the new amendments to the Law "On Accounting and Financial Reporting in Ukraine" as of 16th of July 1999, as mentioned in the Law No 2164 published on the 5th of October 2017, the new classification of enterprises was introduced.
Use the table which includes revised criteria for the classification of enterprises depending on their size.
To determine whether the enterprise size is large, medium, small & micro, at least two of three requirements should be met.
> EUR 20 million
< EUR 20 million
< EUR 4 million
< EUR 0,35 million
> EUR 40 million
< EUR 40 million
< EUR 8 million
< EUR 0,7 million
> 250 persons
< 250 persons
< 50 persons
< 10 persons
Our contacts
+38 044 206 10 30
8/26 Vadyma Hetmana Street, Cosmopolite Multimall, 10th Floor, Kyiv, 03057
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