of financial statements under IFRS

Financial statements under IFRS — simple but affordable within a limited budget
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Transformation of financial statements under IFRS

Financial statements under IFRS — simple but affordable within a limited budget

Transformation of financial statements under IFRS

Why to conform to IFRS standards?
The universally accepted standard for submission of the IFRS financial statements

Global Market Access

Investor Targeting Strategy

Unlock the opportunities to operate in 100+ markets worldwide with IFRS reporting
Present your Company's financial performance in IFRS
"On Accounting and Financial Reporting."
Preparation of the financial statements – New Line Solutions
Three conceptual approaches – an answer to the complex task
  • When first adopting IFRS standards
  • Basic reporting forms
  • Notes to financial statements
  • Accounting policies
  • Reporting in XBRL format
  • Full support
  • Separate module
  • Separate calculation
  • Specific issues on selected components
  • Optimization of methodology
  • First-time adoption of IFRS standards
  • Choosing the right software
  • Usage of XBRL
  • Setting-up the IFRS department
  • Team training
  • Preparation for an audit process
  • When first adopting IFRS standards
  • Basic reporting forms
  • Notes to financial statements
  • Accounting policies
  • Reporting in XBRL format
  • Full support
  • Separate module
  • Separate calculation
  • Specific issues on selected components
  • Optimization of methodology
  • First-time adoption of IFRS standards
  • Choosing the right software
  • Usage of XBRL
  • Setting-up the IFRS department
  • Team training
  • Preparation for an audit process

IFRS Reporting Package

Preparation of a full IFRS Reporting Package
The full IFRS Reporting Package will include all the necessary financial statement forms, disclosures and detailed work files that are easy to navigate.
Your Ultimate Benefits
The full IFRS Reporting Package as well as the structured work files to easily trace the shifting of accounting records into the IFRS reporting in the process of transformation.
Пакет финотчетности МСФО
  • Statement of financial position
  • Consolidated statement of profit and loss and other comprehensive income
  • Cash flow statement
  • Statement of changes in equity
  • Notes to the financial statements
  • Management report
  • ISRS 4410 "Compilation Engagements"

Find out the cost of the full IFRS Reporting Package for your business

Отчет о финансовом положении

Statement of financial position

Consolidated statement of profit and loss and other comprehensive income

Cash flow statement

Отчет о прибылях и убытках и прочем совокупном доходе
Отчет о движении денежных средств
Either separate financial statements or complex calculation under IFRS standards may be ordered.

IFRS Component

Preparation of separate IFRS financial reporting modules

A separate calculation under one of the IFRS standards:

First-time Adoption
Procedures for first-time adopters of IFRS
IAS 12
Income Taxes
Deferred taxes
IAS 23
Borrowing Costs
Borrowing costs eligible for capitalisation
IAS 16
Property, Plant and Equipment
Revaluation model
Initial and subsequent measurement/remeasurement of:
(a) In the form of a right-of-use asset
(b) A lease liability

IAS 41
Initial and subsequent fair value measurements:
(a) biological assets
(b) agricultural products resulting from biological assets

Either separate financial statements or complex calculation under IFRS standards may be ordered

Find out the cost of the IFRS Component for your business

IFRS Consulting

Support in preparation of financial statements under IFRS

Our team is at your disposal to assist you both in switching to IFRS and in optimization process.
  • Preparation and updating of accounting policies
  • Development of standard templates, documents and work files
  • Advisory services to respond to the latest IFRS updates (for e.g. IFRS 16)

Request for a Consultation

Preparation of IFRS financial reporting — to outsource fully or in part?
A full circle of IFRS reporting preparation — gain a number of advantages
Business risk management
When preparing financial statements under IFRS we take into account:
  1. Management accounting
  2. Budgeting process
  3. Impact of chosen approaches on tax accounting
  4. Group reporting requirements
  5. Preparation process of the interim financial reports
  6. Your long-term and short-term business goals
Cost Minimisation
Your costs are significantly reduced due to equitable burden sharing between all our current projects.

Get an access to a flexible and expert resource and leave your Company management free to focus on doing business.
Access to expert knowledge, skills and experience
Our experts are at your disposal to provide you with the optimal approaches in IFRS application due to the access to the resources of the Moore Stephens global network and regular participation in conferences and trainings.

Day-to-day enhancement of ACCA qualification level and well-tuned quality control system ensure the minimum error & distortions risk level in the financial reporting.
Keep abreast of the latest tendencies
"On Accounting and Financial Reporting in Ukraine" 2019
Сhoose the right strategy and implement
Portfolio requirements for your Company according to the Law
Know more about our team
Our team in Ukraine is made up of experts with the extensive experience both in local market and international companies.

Moore Global Network is one of the largest international accounting and consulting groups worldwide.

Years in market

30 000



Implemented projects

Ukrainian Office
International Brand
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+38 044 206 10 30
8/26 Vadyma Hetmana Street, Cosmopolite Multimall, 10th Floor, Kyiv, 03057
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Know more
Taxonomy XBRL - What? Why? How?
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Law of Ukraine 2019 "On Accounting and Financial Reporting in Ukraine"
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This website is managed by Audit Firm Moore Stephens LLC, a limited liability company established under the laws of Ukraine, with the company's identification number 32114367, and its Registered Office at 68/1 Peremogy Ave., office 62, Kyiv, 03113, Ukraine.

You may visit this site without revealing any personal information. Audit Firm Moore Stephens LLC will only collect and use personal data voluntarily and openly provided to this website. A user may choose to provide Audit Firm Moore Stephens LLC with limited personal data as required in order to request us that we contract you; the information provided will only be used for the purpose of contacting you.

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